Online Job Board

Jackson College is here to support our local employers in their efforts to recruit, retain and upskill their workforce! We invite you to post positions, host interns and recruit on our campuses. For more information on how Jackson College can aid employers, please visit our Corporate & Continuing Education page.

Post a Job or Internship

Employers who are seeking skilled, talented workers for their business are encouraged to contact Corporate and Continuing Education.

Jackson College will not post positions of the following nature:

  • Positions that require upfront payments and/or classified as independent consultants.
  • Jobs which require enlistment into any branch of military service. U.S. Military recruiters are not classified as recruiting agencies.
  • Opportunities from private families/individuals.
  • International positions.

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Handshake is an online recruiting platform for higher education students and alumni. As a student or alumni on Handshake, you get a personalized opportunity to explore thousands of jobs, apply for jobs directly through Handshake, connect with hundreds of top employers and much more!

Join today and get recruited by the top employers for full-time, part-time jobs and internships—no experience required.

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M.O.R.E employment resources

At the Michigan Offender Reintegration Effort, we believe that the evidence supports employment being one of the most integral factors in decreasing recidivism.  By working with companies to ensure a steady flow of opportunities for individuals with criminal records, we grant brighter futures while creating better communities.

M.O.R.E website